Thursday, April 19, 2007

Superior, AZ

We moved from Phoenix Metro RV Park to Glendale and Ron Wickland's lot (D&R's Family RV), waiting until Thursday to have our solar monitor repaired. Ron has something like a car port to park under for them to work on out of the sun and rain. He backed our motor home under it just enough to let our satellite stick out so I could raise it and have my Internet and TV for the night. He also has a 30 amp connection that we could use. So we were able to spend the night there very comfortably. He also brought in an other customer with a bus conversion that needed some work. Naturally at night his gates are locked but he gave us a key, so we were able to go to the Arrowhead Mall on Bell Street, about five miles up the road.
Ron and his son started work on it the first thing in the morning and were through by 9:30. We left our catalytic heat with him to fix and will pick it up when we go back to Phoenix, May 10th for our appointment with Earnhardt for some hopefully minor repairs. Since we were through so early we headed out for Superior, AZ were we will visit the Boyce Thompson Arboretum on Saturday, which is Arbor day. They are having some special entertainment to celebrate Arbor day. The Arboretum is a world class, 320-acre collection of plants cooperatively managed by a nonprofit Corporation, the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Arizona State Parks. We hope to get some good pictures of Cactus in bloom. We are camped at Superior RV Park about one mile from Boyce Thompson Arboretum. It's a small campground right on route 60 so there is plenty of traffic noise. Seem we can't get away from either traffic noise or train whistles. At least it is open so my satellite works.

After we set up at the campground we took a drive further east on route 60 and got these pictures at a pull off just through the tunnel. As you can see it's very rugged country but pretty, at least to me.
It is considered a scenic highway and I agree at least as far as we went. This part of the road was in a canyon with so many rocks all around that looked like they were ready to fall any minute.

If you look close you can see the whole way through the tunnel. We just drove to the top of the mountain. The sign said 7% grade for the next 10 miles. When we turned around to go back down the sign said 7% grade for the next 5 miles. That was what we had just come up. The town of Superior is very old and small. We stop at a Mexican Restaurant for lunch. The only other place in town we saw to eat was a Dairy Queen. I was going to give our plans for tomorrow but we really don't have any plans for tomorrow yet. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Retirement is great.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Phoenix 4/16/2007

We finally made it to warmer weather. The temperatures here in Phoenix for the next couple of days will be in the upper eighties. We are at the Phoenix Metro RV Park. It's in the northern part of Phoenix just off route 17. The area is growing by leaps and bounds. They have construction every where. It makes it hard to get around with all the road construction and the traffic is typical of any large city, heavy and congested. We are going to Glendale Wednesday to get the solar monitor fixed (Link 1000).