Saturday, June 2, 2007

Kennecott Utah Copper Mine

Today's adventure is the Kennecott Cooper Mine in Bingham Canyon Utah. I have said it before but pictures don't do places like this justice. This place is so much more massive that these pictures show that it's a shame to think that they represent the area. This hole is only one of one other man made thing that can be seen from space. The other of course being the China Wall.
Here are a few interesting facts about the mine.
It is the world's largest man-made excavation; over three quarters of a mile deep and covers 1,900 acres and currently 2 1/2 miles across at the top.
Over six billion tons of material have been removed since open-pit operations began in 1906.
The mine has yielded more than 17 million tons of copper, 23 million ounces of gold, 190 million ounces of silver and 850 million pounds of molybdenum.
Approximately 450,000 tons of material are removed daily. ( About 1/3 is ore and 2/3 waste rock.)
It takes a ton of ore to produce 12 pounds of copper. The ore in this mine is only on the average 0.6% copper.
The Kennecott Utah Copper produces approximately 320,000 tons of refined copper annually, plus molybdenum, gold and silver.

Well, I finally got myself into a picture were something made me look small. As you look at these pictures remember how large these tires are, so that when you see these little toy trucks on the roads you will realize how far away they are. The trucks can haul 255 tons, boy wouldn't they do a job on the roads if they got out and we think 18 wheelers beat the roads. How would you like to meet one of those bad boys coming at you. :-)

This is the storage area and repair shops.

Remember what I said about toy trucks. You can see them on the road and in the bottom of the pit.

Look at the row of little toy trucks going up the road.

I zoomed in on the deepest pit.

They are working on all the sides to expand them as well as going deeper. The copper smelter is the worlds cleans. The company spends millions on reclamation. On the way out we saw a deer browsing along the road side. After we drove past she walk across the road. As with all my pictures there are more on the picture album and these are still in the Utah album.
Tomorrow we leave for Idaho.

Salt Lake City Tour

Today we took a bus tour of Salt Lake City. The tour started at 4:30 pm so that we would get to the rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at 7:00 pm.

This is called the Bee Hive House because if you expand the picture you can see the model of a beehive on top of the house. This was Brigham Young's in town house.

These Fox Gloves are in front of the Bee Hive House. I have a close up of one of them in my Utah album.

The above picture is from a hill overlooking Salt Lake City.
This statue is to honor the Pony Express riders. The Pony Express route went through Salt Lake City. The Pony Express only lasted for 18 months because by then the telegraph wires extended all the way across the country. It cost $5.00 to sent a letter by Pony Express, that is equivalent to $100.00 today. It was very successful in it's day, only one rider was killed and only one mail delivery lost in it's 18 months of existence..

This is Brigham Young's Farm House in the country.

Sorry about this picture of the Capital but they are working on it. This is the best view I could get and this is just a side view. Since they are working on it, it is closed to the public.

View of the rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in the Tabernacle. It was really great to get to go into the Tabernacle and hear them rehearse. The organ is a master piece, a one of a kind. Be sure to click on this one to enlarge it, it is impressive. The organist is just in front of the choir in the middle.

This picture shows some of the hundreds of people who come just to listen to the rehearsal.
When we can out of the building we stopped to talk to one of the men who are posted around the grounds to watch to be sure the public behaves them self. We told him how much we enjoyed hearing the choir and what a beautiful area the Temple Square is. He told us about the DVD that the choir makes for Christmas and then he pulled a CD of the Choir out of his vest pocket and gave it to Peggy. What a nice gesture. I don't know why the Mormons were persecuted to begin with, for that matter I don't know why any religion is persecuted as look as they allow you your right to chose your religion. I have always found the LDS's ( Latter Day Saints) to be friendly, good and hardworking people. I worked with one in forestry for 10 years and he was one of the hardest working persons I have ever worked with.
There are more pictures on my Utah picture album.
Tomorrow we have to take the Motorhome to MotoSat to have the controller updated, that's part of the satellite system. Thank goodness it's free.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Antelope Island, Utah

Today's adventure was on Antelope Island, Utah. Antelope Island is the largest island on the Salt Lake. It has 28,022 acres. It has a herd of buffalo, antelopes and coyotes, all of which we saw. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the coyote. We also saw a snake crossing the road. I had to slam on the brakes not to run over it. I didn't get a picture of it either, it disappeared too fast into the grass. The herd of buffalo is managed and kept at the carrying capacity of the range at about 500. We were curious about how the animals got water since obviously they can't drink the water from the lake because of the salt. We found out there are 8 springs on the island so there is enough fresh water for the animals.

To get on the island you must cross this 7 miles causeway. By the way the island is a state park and it cost $9.00 a car to get on it. The Salt lake is the largest lake west of the Mississippi. It is 30 miles wide and 70 miles long. It is fed by four rivers. The lake has no outlet, so the only way it maintains it's level is by evaporation. That's where all the salt comes from. It's left by the evaporation of the water.

This statue is at the entrance to the visitor center. The black markings on the side are actually pictures, one is a cowboy on horse back and the rest are buffalo he is herding.

This is a view from Antelope Island of the beach and the mountains in the distance.

Of course this is a picture of how the island got it's name. There are three antelope standing, but if you look close there is one on the right lying down.

A small portion of the 500 buffalo herd.

Another view of the beach and mountains.

This is a little better picture of an Antelope. As you can see they are so use to people they don't pay them any attention. The rest of the photos are in my album named Utah. Tomorrow we are going on a tour that includes seeing a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Canyonland National Park, Needles section

We got an early start to go to see the Needles section of Canyonland. It is 65 miles down route 191, which is back down the way we came to Moab. We had seen the sign to it on the way but didn't realize we would have to go back to it to see this section of the park. Another thing was that we didn't realize that it was another 35 miles into the park from route 191. Also, we found a turn off to an over look that was another 30 miles in. So we had gone 160 miles before we even got to the park. Boy, when you get old things like that do make a difference. But it's still great to get to see this great country of ours. These next three pictures are from the Needles Overlook.

This is the one we didn't know about until we saw the sign on route 191 on our way to the park and as I said it was 30 miles into it. It was well worth it because it is one of the best views of the Needles section. Be sure and expand these they are much more impressive as full size on your screen.

This was all created by a creek named Indian Creek as it flowed toward the Colorado River.

Another view from the Needles Overlook.

Prince's Plume, These are all over the place some even larger.

These are on the road into the park. I call them the "Tetons of Canyonland".
That's French you all. :-)

Another view on the road into the park. As you can see even the road in was scenic.

This one is call the Wooden Shoe Arch and is in the park. Can you see the Wooden Shoe?

This is a view of the area that gives this section of the park it's name of the Needles. Personally I don't see it.
These are called mushrooms. That I can see. Be sure to check the web album for many more pictures of both sections of the Canyonland National Park.

Canyonland National Park, Island in the Sky Section

Today we went to the Island in the Sky section of Canyland National Park. The weather was great in the upper seventies. There are three sections to the park, Island in the Sky (the easiest section to get to and with the best views), the Needles section, we are going there tomorrow, (different views because you are down in the canyon), and thirdly the Maze section ( very difficult to get to, only with four wheel drive).
Sorry you probably can't click on the above picture and expand it. I had to move it here because I accidentally deleted it. It is the first view of the canyon in the park.

From here on you should be able to click on the pictures to enlarge them. This view shows the four wheel drive road down into the canyon. It is a loop road of 100 miles and goes completely around the park. It's called the White Rim road.

This is another view of the White Rim road. Notice the vehicle on the road in the lower left. Might give you an idea of how deep the canyon is. You really can consider this the upper part of the Grand Canyon. It was cut by the Colorado and Green river a little farther up stream than the Grand Canyon that's all.

Prairie Lupine on the trail to Mesa Arch.

Mesa Arch, Canyonland also has some arches in it. This one is on a trail of about 1/2 mile, I made it to this one.

View through the Mesa Arch. The back side of the arch is a sheer drop to the canyon below.

This is the canyon cut by the Green River. That's a little piece of the river in the upper right.

This part was cut by the Colorado River. There are many more picture of the Island in the Sky section in my album. Tomorrow we are going to the Needles Section of the park.