Saturday, July 28, 2007

Heading North Again 7/ 26-28/2007

I think this is the first time I have added to the blog without pictures. On the 26th we left the Golden Eagle Ranch Campground heading for Gunnison National Park. We had a paid reservation there for four days. We are going on route 50 which we had been on before to as far as Salida. Beyond that we still had about 60 miles to go to get to the national park. The part we had been on before was a beautiful drive mostly through the Big Horn Sheep Canyon and along the Arkansas River. As we drove through the second time it was a lovely day and there were even more rafters on the river this time than the last time. They were coming in groups of six and eight rafts at a time, with six to eight people in each raft. After we passed Salida the road started up. At first gradually then steeper and steeper. The motorhome started over heating. I pulled off the road three times to let it cool down. On the second time I even unhooked the car to see if that would help. It did for a little while but it over heated again. When I pulled off each time I would gun the motor and it would gradually cool enough to go again. Finally at about 9,000 feet with the road still going up, I decided to give up before I burned up the engine. We turned around an went back to the Wal-mart at Salida. I put up the satellite and searched for a Cummings repair shop. The closest one I could find was in Henderson, Co. which is a suburb of Denver. It was about 125 miles away. Fortunately the engine didn't over heat as long as we weren't going up steep grades. I made an appointment for 11:30 the next day (Friday). We drove on from Salida to Canon City and spent the night in the Wal-mart in Canon City. I also had to call and cancel my reservations at the national park. They did give me a partial refund. I knew even if they didn't give me any of the money back it would be cheaper than burning up the engine.
We got up early Friday, had breakfast as McDonald's and then left for the repair shop. We drove back up route 115 passed our old campground to route 25 through Colorado Springs to Denver. We got to the Cummings Rocky Mountain repair shop in Henderson about 10:30. We wanted to get there early because we had to take our bikes off the back of the RV and remove the bike rack to give the repair man access to the engine. The pull in at the shop was one of the best I have seen. They even had a place for three RVs to plug in if they had to spend the night. The area was not junked up with trucks or trash all over the place. The service areas were neat and clean. They had a lounge that had two couches and two recliners along with a large screen TV. While you waited in the lounge there was a window which you could look out onto the work area and see the men working on the RVs and trucks. While waiting I met a gentleman from Louisiana who had just bought a new Allegro Bay. This was his first trip in it. He was having generator problems. Seems it didn't have enough power to run both his air conditioners. At 11:30 as scheduled they pulled my RV in to check it. At 1 o'clock they told me they had steam cleaned the radiators and washed out the trash between the two radiators. They charged for two hours service for a total of $240.00. I doubt that will fix the problem. I'm sure I will find out soon enough. We left there after putting the bikes and rack back on at about 1:30 with no idea where we were going. We just hadn't made any plans past getting the motorhome repaired. Since we were headed north on interstate route 76 we decided to go to Greeley for the night and make plans there. We spent the night in the Wal-mart parking lot in Greeley. I decided we would go to Devils Tower in Wyoming from there.
The Wal-mart parking lot is right beside a Golden Corral, so we had dinner there.
On weekends the Golden Corral has a great breakfast buffet. Peggy isn't much for breakfast so I had the buffet myself. From Greeley we are heading north on interstate 25 on our way to Devil's Tower. Maybe I'll get some pictures there. Peggy has never been to Devil's Tower, I have, about 40 years ago.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cripple Creek

Sorry to say in all of our travels so far from leaving Alabama in February this is the first place that I was disappointed in. The town is nothing but one casino after another and I mean one right after another. You can't find a restaurant that isn't part of a casino. We were going to eat in one but it was upstairs of the casino and when we walked in it stunk from cigarette smoke. So we just turned around and walked out.

We did find this nice little city park. So we had our picnic lunch here. They even had a place to wash your hands. We always take a picnic lunch with us when we go site seeing because you never know what the situation will be. Many time you are too far away from any place to eat, besides Peggy and I both love eating picnic lunches. I usually forget to take a picture.

This is a view from the park looking at the back side of town.

We did take a ride on the train. I wasn't impressed with it either. They take you for a little ride around the mountain along side the road we came in on. The only thing is they do explain the area and what old abandon mines you are seeing. Unfortunately there was a family with two young children behind us that were constantly talking so much and so loud that I couldn't hear what the guide was saying any way. It cost $10.00 each and it definitely wasn't worth that.

A view of Cripple Creek from the train.

One of the abandon goal mines and tailing's from another one above. The guide told the name of it and how much they had extracted from it but as I said I couldn't hear him.

This was neat, it's called echo valley. The train stopped and blew the whistle and you could hear the echo.
One thing you could say for this campground is you wouldn't have to worry about your satellite not working, there certainly wasn't any trees to get in the way.

This is the second train they use. When our train got to here it switched to a siding and let this train go by. Then we pulled out and switched back to that track and backed into the station. They have a gold mine tour here that I heard was really good from all the people I talked to that had taken it. However, after thinking about it I decided not to go on it. First Peggy wouldn't go, she get nervous in caves and mines. Secondly, I have been in a gold mine in South Dakota, a coal mine in Pennsylvania, and an iron mine in Minnesota so I didn't think this would be much different. Lastly it cost $15.00 which I though was too much after the rest of my experiences in this town. The best thing about our trip there was getting there. We drove up to Cripple Creek from Canon City on a road they call the shelve road. If you ever drove it you would know why they call it the shelf road. It is just that, a shelf on the side of the mountain. But the scenery was great. The only problem was the road was so narrow there was no where to stop and take pictures. When met a car coming the other way, we had to backup and find a place wide enough for them to pass. Peggy nearly had a heart attack. When we met the car both cars had to stop, Peggy got out of the car while I backed up and pull over to the edge of the road (cliff). After the car passed she got back in and we drove on. When we started on the road it said it was 21 miles to Cripple Creek and that vehicles over 25 foot were not allowed on the road. After we got half way there a sign said 4 wheel drive vehicles recommended. Thanks, but we couldn't have turned around if we wanted to. Our little Saturn made it with no problem and as I said the scenery was great. Only problem was Peggy was so scared she couldn't look down and enjoy the view. Thankfully there was another way out of Cripple Creek so we didn't have to go back the same road. State Road 67 north to 24 was black topped and a good road. It was on the side of the mountain too but it was wide enough and had guard rails so Peggy wasn't scared on it. On the way back we stopped at Manitou Springs. When we were there before Peggy saw a purse she though Whitney (her granddaughter) would like. So she went back and got it.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Air Force Academy 7/20-21/2007

Today we visited the Air Force Academy just north of Colorado Springs.

This is the first view you get of the academy when you come in the north gate. We counted 20 playing fields all a beautiful dark green. They were having a soccer tournament, the parking around the fields was full of cars and many of the fields were covered with young soccer players. There are more pictures of this area in the Colorado picture album. We also stopped at the visitor center and watched a movie about the Academy. I was surprised at the amount of freedom we had to tour the area. We were stopped at two check points and I had to show my drivers license and at one he looked in the trunk. Other wise we just drove around an looked were we wanted to. The map they gave us did indicate the buildings that were open to the public. The area the academy covers is hugh. We drove about a mile in before coming to the first pull off and as you can see we still were quite a way from the main campus.

This is the chapel, rather unique don't you think.

The front of the chapel and me.

Inside the Chapel. The chapel was going to be closed from 2 until 5 o'clock for a wedding. Many of the cadets have their wedding here. Of course in this day and age there are both male and female cadets.

This is the Catholic chapel. It is down stairs from the main chapel.

This is the Jewish chapel. It is also down stairs. I don't know for sure if you call it a chapel, maybe a synagogue?

This is a model of the type plane the Thunder Birds fly. They are the air forces crack flying team, and are the equivalent to the Navy's Blue Angles. I have never seen them perform but I have seen the Blue Angles show three times and it is spectacular. I'm sure the Thunder Birds performance is just as good.

On our way out we stopped at the Thunder Bird overlook and watched the cadets practice their parachuting. Every where you looked there were parachutes coming down, all different colors.

As you can see not all of the landings were graceful but at least no one was hurt while we were there. I was told they must make at least 5 jumps before they graduate. While we were watching all the parachutist, we also saw them pulling the gliders into the air. They would keep circling until they were high enough, then they would release the glider over the mountains and it would circle around and come back down and land beyond were the parachutist were landing. Unfortunately the gliders landed to far away to get pictures.
Saturday we just went to the Citadel Mall. It's a very large mall. It has three levels, a beautiful eating area with water falls, flowers and fountains. There must be a couple hundred stores in the mall. The anchor stores are Macy, J. C. Penny, Dillard and the Burlington Coat Factory. I had to buy a new pair of slippers and socks at Penny's. Peggy just loves to wander around in these malls to see what she can't afford and even if she could she has no place to put it. But she gets her exercise that way.