Friday, March 30, 2007

American RV Park

We left my nephews today. We had a great visit. It was good to see hm and his family after 26 years. I hope the next visit won't be 26 years, I'm affair neither of us will make it. :-) We moved up to the American RV Park. It's about 8 miles west of Albuquerque just off route 40. We will be here for 5 days. Peggy did the washing and I am trying to decide where we are going next. The weather has been so cold that we may head back south. We were thinking of going to The Petrified Forest National Park but it doesn't look like they have any camping any where near it. I guess we'll just wait and see what the weather does.

On our way Peg took this picture to show some of the beautiful homes they have here in New Mexico.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Book Day

Nothing exciting today, just went and picked up one of my prescriptions at Walgreens, then went to Barnes and Nobles. Peggy was looking for a book on how to build a house with adobe. Couldn't find it at Barnes and Nobles, unfortunately I found three books. Then went to Borders where Peggy found her book on building with adobe and again I found two books. One was the National Geographics Birds of the US and for only $4.00. Going to move to the American RV Park on the west side of Albuquerque tomorrow for 5 days hoping that the weather will warm up. Got an e-mail from a gentleman who is volunteering at the Petrified Forest National Park and he said they woke up to an inch of snow this morning. When is summer?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bosque Bike Trail

We went bike riding today on the Bosque Bike trail in Albuquerque along the Rio Grand. It's a great trail, black topped and flat. It's as good as any Rail to Trail we've rode. It's on top of a levee. It would be nice if it was closer to the river but you can see the river occasionally. There was a good bit of traffice on it, ladies pushing their children in strollers, some running along with them, some roller blading. Many people wizzing by on the their bikes. We saw a family of five, with the mother having a seat on the back of her bike for the youngest. This is New Mexico's Spring Break so I'm sure that added to the traffic. There is even a horse trail along side the bike trail. We rode three miles down the trail and back. I hope to get to ride some more of it later. The weather could not have been better, not too hot, not too cold, nice and sunny with a light breeze.

Peggy and Norman on the Bosgue Bike Trail along the Rio Grand in Albuquerque.

The Bosque Bike Trail

That is not the Rio Grand on the left of the picture, it's called the Albuquerque main canal.

Santa Fe 3/26/2007

Went to Santa Fe today. It's about 60 miles north of Rio Rancho straight up interstate 25. It's different than we expected. It's mostly an artistes town, lots of art galleries and souvenir shops. Native American stands are all around the square. We visited two churches and the Georgia O'Keeffe's museum and a lot of souvenir shops. It's definitely a tourist town. When looking at Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings, I could see how an artist might get tired of all the green in the east and prefer the colors of the west. Her paintings certainly bring out the beauty of the browns and forms of the terrain in the west, but I'm not an artist, I prefer the green of the east, though it is nice to visit the west.

The Native Americans sit along the wall with their merchandise displayed on the floor. I know it's not a good picture but it's the only one I have.

The famous spiral staircase of the Loretto Church in Santa Fe. Two mysteries surround the spiral staircase in the Loretto Chapel; the identity of its builder and the physics of the staircase construction. Click on this web site to read the great story about the staircase

Outdoor stand of Chile Ristra's in Santa Fe.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Had a restful Sunday. Ted's family came over for dinner. Going to Santa Fe tomorrow.

Ted (My nephew), Kay (Ted's wife), Dawn (Ted & Kay's Daughter), Massimo ( Ted Jr. & Marie's son), Marie ( Ted Jr.'s wife), Ted Jr. (Ted & Kay's son)