Monday, May 7, 2007


We moved today to the Coconino National Forest. As you can see it is a boondocking site, but it is free with a Red Rock State Park pass or a Golden Age pass. So the price is right. It really is a nice area, quiet and peaceful. It is just off route 89A about 5 miles from Cottonwood and 10 miles from Sedona. Remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.
Our camp site is about 5 miles from the Page Spring fish hatchery. We went over to check it out. They raise mostly rainbow trout here until they are about 9 inches then stock them in creeks in Arizona in the fall when the water is colder.

This is a view of the tanks they raise them in. It is an enclosed building. They can raise about 1,000,000 trout a year.

This view is of the display pond and the only place where you are allowed to feed the fish. They are all rainbow trout.

From the fish hatchery we went to the Red Rock State Park. It has a great visitor center with lots of information displays and a 55 minute video about the area. The picture above is a view from the visitor center.

We went to Flagstaff today via route 89A. Remember this is the same route we took to Prescott.
It's not much better going this way as you can see. There are two more levels of the road there that you can't see because my lens isn't a wide angle lens. This picture was actually supposed to be after the next one but since if I move it, it can't be clicked on to expand it, so I had to leave it here.

This one was suppose to be before the U-curves picture above because this is the first thing you get to coming out of Sedona. The bridge is built over Oak Creek Canyon. Oak Creek is the creek that flows through Sedona and the Page Spring Fish Hatchery.
At least after traveling up the curvy road the view is worth it. This is Oak Canyon from the top of the mountain at about 7000 feet. From here the road levels out some to Flagstaff which is only at 6700 feet. We ate lunch in Flagstaff and then headed home on interstate route 17. The picture below shows what we ran into on the way back. Remember this is May 5th.

The sleet, snow and wind was really blowing around. About half way down the mountain the ground was covered with snow. But by the time we got the rest of the way down it was clear but cool. Own campground is at 4000 feet so right now the nights are pretty cool and our catalytic heater is in Phoenix being repaired.