Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rio Rancho 3/23/2007

I just noticed that the date the system puts at the top of each entry is the date I enter the post, but that may not be the date I'm talking about so I have added the date I am referring to in the title.

We left Rockhound State Park at about 8:15. Drove through Deming and took route 26 to Hatch. Hatch is a chili pepper and onion growing area. Peggy bough one of those long strings of chili, called Chili Ristra's. Now it's dropping seeds all over the place. We may have some chili growing in out motorhome before we get back.:-) At Hatch took Interstate 25 to Albuquerque. Got to Albuquerque about 2:00 o'clock. Was really surprised at the traffic for that time of day. It was bumper to bumper but moving on. I guess I'm spoiled by living in Northwest Alabama. Arrived at Ted and Kate's (my nephew) at 2:30. They have a beautiful adobe house with a great view here in Rio Rancho about 15 miles north of Albuquerque. Spent the night listening to the rain. I thought we were in the desert? Planing to go to Tinker Town Saturday.

The red morning glow on the mountain at Rockhound State Park

My nephew's adobe house in Rio Rancho, NM. I didn't include the garage because our motorhome is sitting in the drive way in front of it but you can see a corner of it.

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