Saturday, May 19, 2007

Canyon De Chelly, South Rim

There are four canyons at Canyon De Chelly (pronounced de shay). The north canyon is Canyon Del Muerto. The south canyon is Canyon De Chelly. The two other canyons are Bat Canyon and Monument Canyon. There are two rim drives, the north and the south. On the south rim drive there are six overlooks, on the north rim drive there are only three overlooks. Both drive are about 12 miles long. On Wednesday we took the south drive. It goes along the Canyon De Chelly.
The above picture is from the second overlook. Note the plowed fields. There are views from all the overlooks on my picture album. Look under Canyon De Chelly. Remember you can click on each picture to blow it up to full screen.

The flowers are Prickly Pear flower.

This is Yucca blooms. I know we have these at home but did you know they are not cactus. They belong to the lily family.

A view of some Anasazi ruins. The word Anasazi is a Navajo word meaning "the ancient ones." They were long gone when the Navajo arrived here. No one is really sure why they left or where they went. The Hopi claim they are their descendants.

The Navajo farmed this valley and are still farming it, but it is harder and harder to get the young to stay and farm. I heard that half of the tourist who come here are Navajo coming to see the land. The walls here are about 700 feet high. Note the road and the fields.

This was the last overlook on the south rim and is called Spider Rock. This area is sacred to the Navajo because this is where Spider Lady lives. She is an important deity. She taught the Navajo how to weave.

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