Sunday, May 20, 2007

Canyon De Chelly, ride up the canyons.

Today we took a ride up the canyons on a guided tour in a converted weapons carrier. The tour is a half day tour that takes you up both Canyon De Chelly and Canyon Del Muerto.

Through most of the ride in Canyon Del Muerto the road is just the stream.

This was our rest stop at the Antelope ruins. You can see the trucks we rode in, in the back ground.

A view of one of the Pictographs.

These ruins are called the White House. Notice that the buildings at the back top are white. They have a white plaster on them. That's how these ruins got their name.

This was one of the ladies on the trip with us. I thought she had the most beautiful red hair I had ever seen. The ride ended about 12:30 back at the Thunderbird Lodge where it started at 9:00 o'clock. There is a cafeteria at the lodge so we ate lunch there. I tried some of the Navajo fried bread and thought it was very good. It reminded me of the Mexican sopapia but with out the honey or a funnel cake with out the powdered sugar.

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