Friday, July 6, 2007

Swetsville Zoo

This "Zoo" is just a few miles north of Loveland and just off I25. This man "Bill Swets" never had any training as a welder but he lived on a farm. As any farmer knows you need to know how to weld or your going to need a lot of duck tape and baling wire. :-) Bill also was fireman for 22 years at the near by town of Timnath, Co. There are about to 200 sculptures. Bill doesn't work at it as hard as he use to but he still adds a sculpture now and then. A visit to the Zoo is free but it is nice to leave a donation since he gets no funding from any agency. These are just a sample of the pictures I have. There are about 100 in my picture album under the album Swetsville. The title on the pictures in the album are for the most part the name Bill has given then. The first name is it's nick name the second name is the scientific name. :-) There are about 30 pictures that I didn't get the name for even though we went back the second time to get then. Most of those you can tell what they are or you can give them your own name.

Entrance to the Zoo, Ying and Yang, Dragons.

Harry the hitch hiker, sub-human.

Lucky, Sea Serpent.

Puff the two headed dragon.

A variety of sculptures. Remember to checkout my picture album for more of these great sculptures. From the zoo we went to the Anheuser Bush Brewery for a tour. I have been to four of the Budweiser breweries some of which no longer give tours. There are still five breweries in the US that give tours. The main brewery is in St. Louis were it started. I have been to it three times, always get my free samples. :-)

The front of the brewery.

The brew house and the grain storage facilities.

The mixing vats where they put in the rice, barley malt and water the hops go in later in an other vat.

Can filler, note that every thing is stainless steel. It fills four hundred cans a minute. Bottles are now becoming more popular but they can only fill 300 bottles a minute. Unfortunately my picture of the bottle filler was too blurry to show.

These are the beechwood aging vats. I can't remember how long they store it in these but I think it's a couple of weeks.

The famous Clydesdale horses.

An early 1900 ad. How times have changed. Today she would be in a bikini.
We didn't do much the next couple of days. I did get my computer fixed on July 3rd thank goodness, so I can now update my blog as you can see. We left Loveland July 5th for Pueblo to attend the FCRV National Rally. More about that later.

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