Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mt. Rushmore & Needles Highway

Sorry, this picture is out of order but if I move it you can't click on it to enlarge it. Some how I missed it when I imported all the other pictures. This is on the Needles highway. As you can see it was foggy, it had just rained and was still drizzling.

We are just south of Rapid City, SD at the Rushmore Shadows Resort. We are getting three days of free camping if we listened to their talk trying to sell us a time share. We listened to their two hour talk but were not interested in buying the time share, which we knew at the start we wouldn't. Mt. Rushmore was only about 6 miles down highway 16. The town of Keystone is located just before you enter Mt. Rushmore National Park. They were totally set up for the biker that right now are all over the place. They have a special place for them to park and there were hundreds of them parked there. The National Park Service and the Federal Government now have a way to get a round the Golden Age Pass. They don't charge you to get into the park, they charge you $8.00 to park your vehicle.
This view is from a pull off before you get into the park.
This is at the entrance to the viewing area. They have a restaurant, a book store and they sell a tape you can listen to about the sculpture and of course rest rooms. The visitor center is below the viewing area at the end of this walk. They have two short slide shows, one about Gutzon Borglum and the carving of the mountain and one about the animals in the park.

This is the view at the end of the walk way.

This is further back on the walk way looking through the hall of flags. There is a flag for every state and the date it entered the union and what number it was entering the union. Alabama was twenty second.

These really are not wild mountain sheep like we first though they were because there was about five more on the grounds grazing also.

From Mt.Rushmore we went to see the Crazy Horse carving. However, it had rained the night before and the fog was hanging so low you couldn't see it, so we decided not to go in. We then took a drive on the Needles Highway. It's in Custer State Park so naturally they charged us $5.00 each to drive on it. The above picture is of one of the tunnels on the drive, it is 12 feet high and 8 feet wide. Naturally no RVs are allowed on the road. Our RV is 12 feet 6 inches high and eight and a half feet wide. Might be a little tight. :-)

I know it's hard to see it but the white spot in the middle is a real live wild mountain goat. Sorry that's the best my telephoto lens can do. Tomorrow we are heading for the Wall drug store and the Badlands National Park.

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