Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Santa Fe 3/26/2007

Went to Santa Fe today. It's about 60 miles north of Rio Rancho straight up interstate 25. It's different than we expected. It's mostly an artistes town, lots of art galleries and souvenir shops. Native American stands are all around the square. We visited two churches and the Georgia O'Keeffe's museum and a lot of souvenir shops. It's definitely a tourist town. When looking at Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings, I could see how an artist might get tired of all the green in the east and prefer the colors of the west. Her paintings certainly bring out the beauty of the browns and forms of the terrain in the west, but I'm not an artist, I prefer the green of the east, though it is nice to visit the west.

The Native Americans sit along the wall with their merchandise displayed on the floor. I know it's not a good picture but it's the only one I have.

The famous spiral staircase of the Loretto Church in Santa Fe. Two mysteries surround the spiral staircase in the Loretto Chapel; the identity of its builder and the physics of the staircase construction. Click on this web site to read the great story about the staircase http://www.lorettochapel.com/stair.html

Outdoor stand of Chile Ristra's in Santa Fe.

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