Friday, March 30, 2007

American RV Park

We left my nephews today. We had a great visit. It was good to see hm and his family after 26 years. I hope the next visit won't be 26 years, I'm affair neither of us will make it. :-) We moved up to the American RV Park. It's about 8 miles west of Albuquerque just off route 40. We will be here for 5 days. Peggy did the washing and I am trying to decide where we are going next. The weather has been so cold that we may head back south. We were thinking of going to The Petrified Forest National Park but it doesn't look like they have any camping any where near it. I guess we'll just wait and see what the weather does.

On our way Peg took this picture to show some of the beautiful homes they have here in New Mexico.

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