Monday, April 2, 2007

Wally World 3/31/2007

Peg finished the washing. We drove to the nearest Wal-Mart in Albuquerque. It was just off exit 155 on route 40 about 6 miles from where we were camped. On the way back I checked out the Flying-J truck stop, it is just one exit down from us . You wouldn't believe the traffic, and on a Saturday, it took fifteen minutes to get back out of their parking lot. Flying-J is another one of those gas stations that charge extra for using a credit card and they don't take debit cards, at least Petro allows debit cards the same as cash. Who in this day and age carries hundreds of dollars in cash to pay for fuel? They are ripping the American people off for more than enough now with out adding insult to injury. In the evening we had dinner at the Rockfish restaurant with John and Janna Wilson. John is the brother of Judy Barnes, the wonderful lady I worked for at Bevill State. The food was good the conversation even better. You can tell Judy and John are related, such good people. The evening was a memorable one.

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