Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Boyce Thompson Arboretum

The following pictures for these dates are all taken at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park near Superior, AZ. We decided to go on Friday as well as on Saturday. The arboretum is 320 acres so we knew we couldn't see it all in one day. On Friday we went with a tour guide and on Saturday we just went around the park revisiting areas were we wanted to take more pictures. They have so many exotic plants from other countries that it is difficult to know what all of them are. Most of them are labeled but not all. So I don't have all of them labeled, like the one below. If you are interested there are many more pictures at my picture album site.

Here is an example of one I don't know the name of but it is so pretty that I included it any way. So many cactus look alike to those of use that are not knowledgeable about cactus.

This one was labeled and is called the Yellow Bird of Paradise. It is a small bush with very feathery leaves.

This one is called the Bottle Brush Tree. It really stands out in a stand of other trees. The first time I saw one of these was in Key West, Florida. They are beautiful.

This one is the Joshua tree. There is a Joshua Tree National Park in California. The following is from the Joshua Tree National Park Site, "The Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia, is a giant member of the lily family. Like the California fan palm, Washingtonia filfera, the Joshua tree is a monocot, in the subgroup of flowering plants which also includes grasses and orchids. The Joshua tree provides a good indicator that you are in the Mojave Desert, but you may also find it growing next to a saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert in western Arizona or mixed with pines in the San Bernardino Mountains." For more information on the Joshua Tree National Park click on this link

This is an unusual looking tree as seen below.

The Boojum Tree.

This is the flute player they had there for the Arbor Day celebration. He had about 10 different flutes with him and played several of them. They were made from different types of wood. The weather that day was very cool and windy. He tried to play a flute that was made of Cedar but it wouldn't play right. He said that the cedar wood flute is very sensitive to cold. The flute music to my ear is very soothing. It was very nice to be able to walk around the park and hear the flute music in the air. It gave you a sort of surreal feeling. We had brought our lunch to eat in the picnic area but it was so cool we decided to go back to the motorhome and eat it.

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