Thursday, April 26, 2007


We went to Sedona today. The country is just beautiful. It really is Red Rock Country. I believe you can click on all these pictures to expand them. They do look more impressive expanded.

This is a view from a pull off a few miles from Sedona. Note that the red rocks are not on the top layer in the mountains but near the bottom.
These home were on the road to Red Rock State Park. Every where you look you see beautiful homes like these. These are the rule not the exception. There certainly is some money in the area. The road is a loop road that comes out again on 89A the road to Sedona. We stopped at the park for some information but didn't go into the park. We drove farther up the road but it turned into a dirt road and since I didn't know at the time how far it went and where it went we turned around and went back the way we came to 89A. We later found out that it is dirt only for a few miles and is a very scenic drive. We intend to go back later and finish the drive.

This is the Chapel of the Holy Cross. It's about 5 miles out of Sedona. What a beautiful location and view from it's chapel.

This is a view in the back area of the chapel. I thought this was a good picture of Peg. As you can see she has quit dying her hair.

This one is called Bell Rock and is about 10 miles further down the road from Sedona. I assume you can tell why they call it the Bell Rock? Every where you go in the area they are working on the roads and building new businesses and homes.

This picture was taken from the airport. It is on the top of a Mesa and as you can see offers a great view of at least part of Sedona. There are a couple other views in the album and of course more pictures of the red rock formations.

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