Sunday, May 20, 2007

Canyon De Chelly, North Rim

Wednesday we took the north rim drive. The north rim drive takes you along Canyon Del Muerto.
View from the first overlook.

Antelope Ruins. There are some pictographs on the rock walls here. One is of an antelope. That is how these ruins got that name.

More Anasazi ruins. All of the ruins are on the south facing slopes, so that when the winter sun is low on the horizon it shines in and helps heat the rooms and in the summer when the sun is higher in the sky the over hang shades it.

On the way out from the last overlook we met this Bull snake on the road. They are not poisonous and are beneficial. He just crawled off into the brush.

This is a sample Hogan which is on display at the visitor center. They are six or eight sided and always have the entrance facing east.

1 comment:

Jay River said...

The Anasazi and Canyon De Chelly..

Here is a film clip laced with history from Canyon De Chelly:

It's from a dvd on Edward S. Curtis, which bears on other Indian lands as well.

Link:Indian Picture Opera; Amazon