Sunday, June 17, 2007

Glacier National Park (Going to the Sun Road 29 miles)

We went out today to drive the 13 additional miles of the Going to the Sun Road that they had just opened, unfortunately the weather didn't co-operate. It was rainy, cold, breezy and cloudy. I'm sure if I could have seen where we were I would have gotten a lot more pictures as it is here is the best I could do. What we could see was as the younger generation says "awesome."

It was raining here and you can see the clouds were already obscuring the mountains. We hadn't even started up the mountain yet. These next three pictures were all taken at the end of the road. At and elevation of about 6000 feet.

This is Bird Woman Falls and it is 492 feet high.
This view is looking down the valley. You can tell how cloudy it was. It was raining and some of the rain had snow flakes in it.

This was the end of the line. The road was closed from here on. But it was some ride. The road is narrow and curvy (I seem to like that word). The mountain stone walls are right at the edge of the road. In some places the rocks actually hang over the cars. I can see how on a clear day it would be a beautiful drive. Maybe next time. We were thankful to get to see as much as we did.
Tomorrow we are leaving for Yellowstone NP. I have reservations for a week at the Rocky Mountain Campground in Gardiner, MT. It is four blocks from the north entrance to the park. Boy when you get around these National Parks the price of camping really goes up. The best price I could get was $37.00 a night. Most of the other campground were $44.00 a night and almost all of them were full.

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