Saturday, June 23, 2007

Yellowstone (6/22/2007)

Today we will continue down the west side loops. We hope to finish the bottom loop today. We took a side road off the main road called the Fire Hole Road.

This is Fire Hole Falls on the Fire Hole River. I guess that's why they call it the Fire Hole Road. :-)
Fire Hole Rapids.

Looking back down the Fire Hole River from the main road. Note the stone wall that was built on the Fire Hole Road. It was probably built by the CCC in the 1930s.

Fire Hole Spring. The colors are beautiful. The colors come from different algae, bacteria and other micro-organisms. Which organism lives were is determined by the water temperature.

White Dove Geyser. This cone is one of the largest in Yellowstone.

Excelsior Geyser. What a beautiful blue. This geyser's eruptions are erratic but it's flow of water into the Fire Hole River is constant at 4000 gallons of boiling water per minute.

Grand Prismatic Spring. These colors are breath taking. One of the pictures in the album of this spring looks like a rainbow. The smell around all these areas is not pleasant. The smell comes from the sulphur. I wonder if that is what hell smells like? Hope I don't find out.

This is just the out flow from the Excelsior Geyser. You get the different colors from the different water temperatures.

Naturally any one going to Yellowstone has to see Old Faithful blow her top.

The Old Faithful Lodge. Remember in the fire of 1988 they though it was going to get burned down. From here we headed back to the campground which was about 70 miles. I have some pictures in the album from inside the lodge. Tomorrow we go again. There is just so much to see and we can't go as much as we use to. But we are plugging along and enjoying almost every minute of it. :-)

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