Sunday, June 17, 2007

Glacier National Park (Many Glacier)

We kept our vow to go back to the east side of Glacier. We drove straight to Many Glacier except for one stop for Peggy to buy a book about the Blackfeet. She had seen it at the St. Mary's visitor center and decided she wanted it. The entrance to Many Glacier is a few miles off route 89 at Babb, MT.

This is the view before you get into the park. It is called Sherburne Lake and is actually created by a dam. I could have lightened these pictures up but I thought that would ruin the feeling we had of the overcast day. It was also very cool probably in the mid to upper fifties and breezy.

Lupine, they are every where along the roads and in the woods.

I was waiting to find a field like this of Bear Grass when I saw a picture of one in the visitor center in West Glacier. This one isn't as pretty as the one in the visitor center but it is the one with the most Bear Grass we have seen. Usually they are more scattered.

This is the lodge on Swiftcurrent Lake.

We found these two falls (this one and the picture below) on our way back home they were just off route 2. We missed them on the first time through because there was no sign for them only a pull off. There was no name given for them that we could see. When we pulled in there was a trucker there eating his lunch. What a great place to have a picnic only trouble is they don't have any picnic tables. Route 2 is the route that you have to take to get to the east side of Glacier. It goes around the south end of the park and over the lowest pass in the Rockies between Canada and Mexico. At least according to the literature I read. The pass is called Marias Pass and is 5214 or 5220 feet high depending on which literature you are reading. The railroad also runs along this route. I mentioned the pass the other day in the blog when we went over it the first time.

This little falls was just 25 yards from the one above and I didn't see it until Peg pointed it out to me. It was hidden behind the trees. When we got back to the west side of the park Peg decided she wanted the pair of shoes she had found in a shop in the park at the Apgar Village a couple of days earlier. She decided she needed them because the ones she was wearing had holes in them. So we went back in the west entrance to the park to get her the shoes. When we got to the entrance gate there was a sign saying that the Going to the Sun Road was now open 29 miles. That's 13 more miles that we had seen and only 3 miles from the top at Logan Pass. We decided that we would drive back up the rest of the way tomorrow.

This is a small part of the Apgar Village. It also has a motel and a few more shops and restaurants.

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