Monday, April 2, 2007

Bosque Bike Trail 4/01/2007

We rode the Bosque Bike Trail again today. To get there from our campground we had a straight shot down Central Avenue which is the old route 66. In Albuquerque they had changed the location of route 66, at one time, so that it actually crossed over itself, at one point on Central Avenue you can stand on the corner of route 66 and route 66. :-) I was glad to see that the trail was very busy. It's good to see these trails being used. People were out walking, roller blading, biking and running. It's nice to see whole families biking together. We rode about four miles one way today, we are trying to ride a little father each time. The trail is eighteen miles long so we have covered just about half of it so far. I guess we will have to wait till we come back the next time to ride the rest. The weather was great again today. About three fourth of the way back Peg had a flat tire and had to push her bike to the first parking lot so I could go get the car and drive back to her. By the time she got to the parking lot she had two flat tires. Those Goatheads (sharp little balls of thorns) really are bad in this area.

The Bosque Bike Trail along the Rio Grand in Albuquerque. Busy on a Sunday.

View of houses from the Bosque Bike Trail in Albuquerque.

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