Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sky City

Yesterday we moved from Albuquerque to Milan N. M. and are camping at the Bar-S RV Park. One thing you can say about New Mexico is they seem to have great train service. The campground is near a railroad and all night long you can hear the train whistles. Milan adjoins Grants both of which are between old route 66 and 40. We drove route 66 back to Grants looking for a Post Office which we eventually found. Grants also has a Wal-Mart. So naturally we had to stop there and get a few groceries.
Today we went to Sky City which is in the Acoma Pueblo. I am told Pueblo is Spanish for town. Along the way we stopped at the New Mexico visitors center. What a great new building with a view of the surrounding lava fields. We viewed a film about all the things to see in this area and they have 35 other ones to view. If we go back that way tomorrow we will stop again and view some of the other films. They have a good book shop with many books about this area, New Mexico and the Indians of this area. The people there are very eager to help with information and maps.
Sky City is about 20 miles east on route 40. It also has a nice new visitor center. We took the tour of Sky City. They drove us up on a bus to the top of the Mesa, thank goodness. :-) The tour was great. The young man was very knowledgeable about the Acoma history and culture. He quoted the statement that "Winners write history" to refute some of the things in the history books. One of the points he wanted to make was that this place was not chosen for defence but for spiritual reasons. According to him originally the sand was so high around this area that it was only about a 12 foot drop to the surrounding sand. At the end of the tour you could either take the bus back down or walk the narrow trail. The tour was about 2 hours, so by that time Peg and I were ready to sit down, so we opted to take the bus back down. The weather has been great in the lower seventies. The nights get a little cool, in the low thirties and in the afternoon sometimes the wind kicks up a good bit.
The pictures do not do the area justice. It is much more beautiful than they can show.
Please go to my picture link to see the 23 pictures I took and remember it is much prettier than they show. By the way I had to pay $10.00 to be allowed to take pictures and we were not allowed to take a picture of the church's outside or inside. Here is the Sky City web link for more information on Sky City.
I have been trying to get my pictures to expand when you click on them. I don't know why they won't, but for some reason the first two of these pictures will expand if you click on them but the third one won't.
View of the visitor center from Sky City.

One of the streets in Sky City.

View from an overlook, looking back at Sky City. Sky City is on the Mesa in the middle of the picture.

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