Monday, April 2, 2007


Today was a really good day. We took Peggy's bike in to have the two flat tires fixed at the Albuquerque Bike Center on Coors Boulevard. I had my mileage computer (speedometer) looked at because it wasn't working. It had a broken wire. They fixed Peggy's tires, put two new heavy duty tubes in them and slim. They fixed my speedometer, had them ready in a couple of hours and they didn't charge me for fixing the speedometer. All they charged was $24.00 which I thought was very reasonable. Any time I'm back in Albuquerque and need any bike work I certainly will take it back to them.
From the bike shop we went to Tinkertown. It is unbelievable. Anyone who hasn't seen it needs to go see it. I'll post a few picture here and more on my public album but they don't do it justice. The detail of the miniature carvings is as I said unbelievable. The longer you stand an look at the models the more detail you see. It only cost three bucks but you could spend all day finding new details to see.
We also drove to the top of Sandia Mountain. What a drive, beautiful scenery and what a road. It's a bikers dream with all the curves. Like they say "you can see forever."

Just think all these little figures were carved by hand by one man.

There are two large (large in a miniature sense) circus tents on display with hundreds of figures.There are a lot more pictures at my picture album site.

On the way up to the top of Sandia Mountain we found this snow bank. Peg can't stand the cold.

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