Thursday, May 31, 2007

Antelope Island, Utah

Today's adventure was on Antelope Island, Utah. Antelope Island is the largest island on the Salt Lake. It has 28,022 acres. It has a herd of buffalo, antelopes and coyotes, all of which we saw. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the coyote. We also saw a snake crossing the road. I had to slam on the brakes not to run over it. I didn't get a picture of it either, it disappeared too fast into the grass. The herd of buffalo is managed and kept at the carrying capacity of the range at about 500. We were curious about how the animals got water since obviously they can't drink the water from the lake because of the salt. We found out there are 8 springs on the island so there is enough fresh water for the animals.

To get on the island you must cross this 7 miles causeway. By the way the island is a state park and it cost $9.00 a car to get on it. The Salt lake is the largest lake west of the Mississippi. It is 30 miles wide and 70 miles long. It is fed by four rivers. The lake has no outlet, so the only way it maintains it's level is by evaporation. That's where all the salt comes from. It's left by the evaporation of the water.

This statue is at the entrance to the visitor center. The black markings on the side are actually pictures, one is a cowboy on horse back and the rest are buffalo he is herding.

This is a view from Antelope Island of the beach and the mountains in the distance.

Of course this is a picture of how the island got it's name. There are three antelope standing, but if you look close there is one on the right lying down.

A small portion of the 500 buffalo herd.

Another view of the beach and mountains.

This is a little better picture of an Antelope. As you can see they are so use to people they don't pay them any attention. The rest of the photos are in my album named Utah. Tomorrow we are going on a tour that includes seeing a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

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