Monday, May 28, 2007

Canyonland National Park, Needles section

We got an early start to go to see the Needles section of Canyonland. It is 65 miles down route 191, which is back down the way we came to Moab. We had seen the sign to it on the way but didn't realize we would have to go back to it to see this section of the park. Another thing was that we didn't realize that it was another 35 miles into the park from route 191. Also, we found a turn off to an over look that was another 30 miles in. So we had gone 160 miles before we even got to the park. Boy, when you get old things like that do make a difference. But it's still great to get to see this great country of ours. These next three pictures are from the Needles Overlook.

This is the one we didn't know about until we saw the sign on route 191 on our way to the park and as I said it was 30 miles into it. It was well worth it because it is one of the best views of the Needles section. Be sure and expand these they are much more impressive as full size on your screen.

This was all created by a creek named Indian Creek as it flowed toward the Colorado River.

Another view from the Needles Overlook.

Prince's Plume, These are all over the place some even larger.

These are on the road into the park. I call them the "Tetons of Canyonland".
That's French you all. :-)

Another view on the road into the park. As you can see even the road in was scenic.

This one is call the Wooden Shoe Arch and is in the park. Can you see the Wooden Shoe?

This is a view of the area that gives this section of the park it's name of the Needles. Personally I don't see it.
These are called mushrooms. That I can see. Be sure to check the web album for many more pictures of both sections of the Canyonland National Park.

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