Saturday, June 2, 2007

Salt Lake City Tour

Today we took a bus tour of Salt Lake City. The tour started at 4:30 pm so that we would get to the rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at 7:00 pm.

This is called the Bee Hive House because if you expand the picture you can see the model of a beehive on top of the house. This was Brigham Young's in town house.

These Fox Gloves are in front of the Bee Hive House. I have a close up of one of them in my Utah album.

The above picture is from a hill overlooking Salt Lake City.
This statue is to honor the Pony Express riders. The Pony Express route went through Salt Lake City. The Pony Express only lasted for 18 months because by then the telegraph wires extended all the way across the country. It cost $5.00 to sent a letter by Pony Express, that is equivalent to $100.00 today. It was very successful in it's day, only one rider was killed and only one mail delivery lost in it's 18 months of existence..

This is Brigham Young's Farm House in the country.

Sorry about this picture of the Capital but they are working on it. This is the best view I could get and this is just a side view. Since they are working on it, it is closed to the public.

View of the rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in the Tabernacle. It was really great to get to go into the Tabernacle and hear them rehearse. The organ is a master piece, a one of a kind. Be sure to click on this one to enlarge it, it is impressive. The organist is just in front of the choir in the middle.

This picture shows some of the hundreds of people who come just to listen to the rehearsal.
When we can out of the building we stopped to talk to one of the men who are posted around the grounds to watch to be sure the public behaves them self. We told him how much we enjoyed hearing the choir and what a beautiful area the Temple Square is. He told us about the DVD that the choir makes for Christmas and then he pulled a CD of the Choir out of his vest pocket and gave it to Peggy. What a nice gesture. I don't know why the Mormons were persecuted to begin with, for that matter I don't know why any religion is persecuted as look as they allow you your right to chose your religion. I have always found the LDS's ( Latter Day Saints) to be friendly, good and hardworking people. I worked with one in forestry for 10 years and he was one of the hardest working persons I have ever worked with.
There are more pictures on my Utah picture album.
Tomorrow we have to take the Motorhome to MotoSat to have the controller updated, that's part of the satellite system. Thank goodness it's free.

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