Monday, May 28, 2007

Canyonland National Park, Island in the Sky Section

Today we went to the Island in the Sky section of Canyland National Park. The weather was great in the upper seventies. There are three sections to the park, Island in the Sky (the easiest section to get to and with the best views), the Needles section, we are going there tomorrow, (different views because you are down in the canyon), and thirdly the Maze section ( very difficult to get to, only with four wheel drive).
Sorry you probably can't click on the above picture and expand it. I had to move it here because I accidentally deleted it. It is the first view of the canyon in the park.

From here on you should be able to click on the pictures to enlarge them. This view shows the four wheel drive road down into the canyon. It is a loop road of 100 miles and goes completely around the park. It's called the White Rim road.

This is another view of the White Rim road. Notice the vehicle on the road in the lower left. Might give you an idea of how deep the canyon is. You really can consider this the upper part of the Grand Canyon. It was cut by the Colorado and Green river a little farther up stream than the Grand Canyon that's all.

Prairie Lupine on the trail to Mesa Arch.

Mesa Arch, Canyonland also has some arches in it. This one is on a trail of about 1/2 mile, I made it to this one.

View through the Mesa Arch. The back side of the arch is a sheer drop to the canyon below.

This is the canyon cut by the Green River. That's a little piece of the river in the upper right.

This part was cut by the Colorado River. There are many more picture of the Island in the Sky section in my album. Tomorrow we are going to the Needles Section of the park.

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